Raithal Road, Mukandpura-II, Tehsil-Jalsu, Jaipur-303701, Rajasthan
Raithal Road, Mukandpura-II, Tehsil-Jalsu, Jaipur-303701, Rajasthan
9828862333, 9929017675,9887518137


PRINCIPAL की कलम से

Dear Parents, students and well-wishers of the VEDANT family- my prayerful greetings to
all of you. First and foremost I would like to express my deep sentiments of gratitude to
every one of you for your constant support, love and concern towards the college which
enables and encourages us to strive hard to carry forward the mission of spreading value-
based knowledge to one and all.
Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning a skill to lead life and forming
one’s personality. This is an ennobling process of growth. I can boldly say that we have
excelled in every initiative that we undertook and we have stood together in facing the
challenges in realizing quality education. We focus on discovering, developing and drawing
out the hidden talents and the magic lying dormant inside all of its students. From
academics to co-curricular activities, perseverance and a never-say-die spirit are
entrenched in the heart of every student not only making them good students but brilliant
human beings. In today’s dynamic world, a 360 degree development and grooming is of
supreme importance and through our campus we are creating an environment for future
leaders, entrepreneurs and professional who possess skills and aptitudes in an array of
functional disciplines.
I am very happy with the progress the college has made by imbibing in its students value
based education synergized with modern teaching-learning methods to produce a
generation of well informed and emotionally sound generation. I am positive that in times to
come we will continue this journey with elevated enthusiasm and persistently provide a
platform of holistic learning to the young generation of learners.
We are partners in learning with our students and seek to deepen their knowledge, provide
enriching and innovative learning experiences, while also gently urging our students to
come out of their comfort zone to attempt new challenges.
Our students graduate with the skills, mind sets and qualities that will best equip them for
success Come on let’s give our best and make this institution a modern temple of learning
through our diligence, devotion and dedication. Wishing you all the best…!in the world of
the future. They are the future leaders and role models of society.